For the first time at the same time in an international fair for beverage technologies: the three Italian Masters of Wine, Gabriele Gorelli, Andrea Lonardi and Pietro Russo have been in the spotlight on the SIMEI 2024 programme of events and conferences.
An important presence, which once again testifies to how the fair organised by Unione Italiana Vini stands as the most representative meeting point for the wine sector and related technologies.
During the afternoon of 12 November, the opening day, Pietro Russo has been leading the conference dedicated to "Tartaric stabilisation techniques in relation to the new wine labelling legislation". This issue has also been addressed with the contributions of exhibitors (Omnia Della Toffola, Ju.cla.s and Enartis) operating in this specific field.
Thursday 14 November has been the turn of Gabriele Gorelli, who has been leading the conference "New ageing methods with wood, ceramics and the footprint of the territory", examining why and how the correct and innovative use of materials during ageing can be used to enhance the terroir and "invent" new product styles.
Again on wine styles, and again on Thursday 14 November, but in the afternoon, it has been the turn of Andrea Lonardi, who has been looking at "Technologies, processes and future wineries, between climate change and the search for new styles of wine".