National standard of sustainability in wine: the first steps

Thursday 17th November

11.00 a.m. - Conference Room hall 2
 Unione Italiana Vini

The aim of the conference is to present an overview at European and Italian level regarding sustainability in the agri-food and wine sector: from the tools offered by the CAP to the methods envisaged to harmonise sustainability requirements in Europe, up to the approval of the national certification scheme for the sustainability of the wine supply chain signed on 16 March 2022 by the MIPAF (Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policy), with which Italy has adopted a public standard on sustainability.

For the year 2022, the certification of sustainability in the wine sector has been launched on an optional basis using the procedures and standards provided for by the National Quality System of Integrated Production (SQNPI), completed by the inclusion of additional commitments to be adopted by those who work in the post-harvest phases, i.e. from the receipt of the grapes in the cellar to the production of the finished wine product ready for sale in bulk and/or conditioned.

Throughout 2022, in fact, it has been possible for processing companies that were already in the SQNPI system or that have joined it, to meet additional social and environmental requirements, thereby obtaining the certificate of sustainability of the wine supply chain.

During the conference, representatives of companies will talk about their first experiences and reflect on the strengths of this new voluntary system.



Paolo Castelletti - Unione Italiana Vini moderates the conference

The application of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda in Italy
Luigi Di Marco - ASviS Operational Coordination and Referent for Working Groups on 6-14-15 and 7-13 Goals 

PAC instruments and European vision on sustainability
Ignacio Sanchez - CEEV

Harmonisation of sustainability in Europe
Mauro Poinelli - Head of Wine Unit, DG AGRI, European Commission

State of the art national standard and first indications for the 2023 revision
Giuseppe Blasi - Head of the Department of European and International Policies and Rural Development, MIPAAF.

Business experiences: A few companies will bring their experiences related to sustainability, including the application of the requirements of the new SQNPI certification scheme for 2022.
Paolo Cuccia Gambero Rosso President