Building a cooperative network for climate change in the Italian wine sector

Friday 18th November

9.00 a.m. - Conference Room hall 3 

Fondazione Edmund Mach

An active discussion with stakeholders on the challenges of climate change for the national wine supply chain.

Event funded by the EIT Climate-KIC as part of the "MEDCLIV" project.

The event is in two parts, a first introductory part focused on illustrating some relevant aspects on the topic, and a second part in the form of a direct dialogue with the public, where participation in a national collaborative network experience regarding the issues in question will be proposed.

9:30 – 11:15 – Suggestions: Operating in a different climate

The possibilities of genetics and the role of physiology to face the challenges of climate change in viticulture
Michele Faralli (C3A – UNITN) and M. Stefanini (FEM)

How to encourage good practices in irrigation management in viticulture
Raffaele Giaffreda (FBK, TESSA Agritech):

The importance of monitoring and the certification of indicators and footprints related to climate change
Sandra Furlan (Valoritalia)

Reducing energy and environmental impacts in the cellar with a certification standard
M. Bancher (CASACLIMA hotel): 

At the end of the session, participants will be asked a question, which they will be asked to discuss with the speakers during the Round Table.

11:15 – 11:45 – Not just wine: chatting freely about the topic over a coffee

11:45 - 13:00 – Proposals: towards a "Living Lab" approach to the climate issue in the vine-wine supply chain

To "break the ice": "48 harvests: what has changed?
Mario Pojer - Pojer and Sandri Winery

A project for viticulture in the Mediterranean: "Perspectives for the creation of collaborative networks on climate-vine-wine
Emanuele Eccel (FEM) - MEDCLIV project coordinator

Round table: the audience dialogues with the speakers of the meeting

Meeting moderated by Gianantonio Battistel (FEM)

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